Tinea manum or tinea manus is a type of infectious fungal infection that attacks the body part of the hand. In layman's terms, tinea is known as ringworm, and manum or manus means hand. With proper care, tinea manum can recover in about one month.
Tinea (dermatophytosis) is a fungal infection caused by dermatophyte fungi, a group of fungi that attack and grow on keratin or dead skin cells in the human body. Besides tinea manum, there are various types of tinea based on infected body parts, including tinea pedis (feet), tinea barbae (beard), tinea capitis (scalp), tinea corporis (trunk and arms), tinea unguium (nails), and tinea cruris (buttocks and groin).
Tinea Manum Symptoms You Need to Watch Out for
Symptoms of tinea manum are generally seen from the onset of inflammation of the skin on the hands which includes:- The hands feel itchy, red, peel, or scaly.
- Infection will generally begin in the palm.
- The area infected with tinea will feel itchy, red, peel, or scaly.
- Tinea manum tends to occur in only one hand, but can also in both hands. Depending on the type of fungus that causes tinea, the area may also blister and contain clear fluid.
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