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Pregnancy Sports, the Right Solution Simplifies the Labor Process

Pregnancy exercise is important to help you reduce various discomforts that arise during pregnancy such as back pain and fatigue. Exercise also helps prepare the body for labor. Check out the various types of body activities that are safe to do during pregnancy. Active movement during pregnancy makes it easier for you to adjust to changes in shape and weight gain during pregnancy. Various types of pregnancy exercise will also help simplify the labor process, and even help restore body shape after giving birth.

Benefits of Pregnancy Exercise for Your Body

Experts from the world health institutions recommend pregnant women to exercise pregnancy at least 150 minutes per week. You can divide the 150 minutes into sections of exercise, for example 30 minutes every day for 5 days per week. Or you can divide 30 minutes of exercise into 10 minutes of exercise for three times a day. For beginners, it is recommended to start pregnancy exercise for 5 minutes per day every week. Add 5 minutes every day the following week to reach 30 minutes per day. There are a variety of benefits that you can get from pregnancy sports, including:
  • Helps reduce back pain, constipation, bloating, and swelling in the legs.
  • Can help prevent or treat gestational diabetes (diabetes that appears during pregnancy).
  • Improve your stamina and mood.
  • Improve body posture.
  • Increase muscle strength and endurance.
  • Helps sleep better.
  • Help simplify the labor process.

Types of Pregnancy Sports You Can Do

Most types of pregnancy exercise tend to be safe, as long as you do it carefully and not too much. Here are some types of exercises that are safe if done during pregnancy, including:
  • Brisk

  • Both on the treadmill and walking in the park area and surrounding areas tend to be safer and can help improve mood and muscles in your body. This exercise can be done every pregnant woman at any gestational age, even before the birth process. You can start by walking semi-fast about 1 km 3 times a week. You can increase time and speed little by little.
  • Swim

  • Swimming is the best exercise for pregnant women to reduce back pain, sleep problems, and other discomforts during pregnancy.
  • Yoga

  • This type of pregnancy exercise helps strengthen the core muscles of the body, relieve back pain, helps you to be more relaxed, and makes labor easier and more comfortable. You can start by taking a prenatal yoga class, and it is recommended to avoid bikram
  • Static bikes in the room

  • This type of pregnancy exercise is good for increasing heart rate without stressing the joints. As your stomach grows, you can adjust the height of the handlebar to get comfortable in accordance with your posture.
  • Aerobics

  • Aerobic exercise, especially those with low risk, in pregnant women is useful for maintaining the health of your heart and lungs. This exercise can also tighten the body and increase the endorphin hormone that makes you feel happy. However, aerobic exercise must be carried out with the supervision or guidance of a certified aerobic teacher, especially if you are doing aerobics during pregnancy.
  • Stretch

  • Stretching exercises are useful for making your body muscles more flexible and warm during pregnancy. Stretching movements that you can do include rotating the neck, rotating the shoulders, swimming movements, stretching the thigh area, legs, ankles, squats or squatting movements, and others.
  • Kegel exercises

  • Kegel exercises help strengthen the muscles that support the bladder, uterus and stomach. By strengthening these muscles during pregnancy, you will feel more relaxed and in control of the muscles in the process of preparing for labor later. You can do Kegel exercises as many as 5 sets a day with each set consisting of 10 exercises
Generally, pregnancy exercise is safe for you who are in good health with a normal pregnancy. However, pregnancy exercise is not safe for pregnant women with certain medical conditions, namely:
  • Have heart, lung, asthma or diabetes.
  • Pregnant twins, whether twins, triplets or more with risk factors for preterm labor.
  • Cervical insufficiency or the inability of the cervix to sustain pregnancy in the second trimester.
  • Having performed a cerclage procedure, a procedure where the cervical opening is closed with sutures to prevent or delay preterm birth.
  • Experiencing placenta previa after 26 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Preeclampsia or hypertension triggered by pregnancy.
  • Anemia
  • There is a history of preterm birth in a previous pregnancy.
  • Fetal growth barriers
  • Chronic hypertension.
  • Thyroid dysfunction.
  • Vascular disease.

Some Things To Look For When Performing Pregnancy Sports

  • Consult with your obstetrician first before starting, continuing, or changing your pregnancy exercise. This is to ensure that your activities do not pose a risk to the fetus.
  • Wear loose clothing and a bra that can support the breast well. Also use sports shoes that can protect you from injury.
  • Physical exercise will burn calories, therefore, eat foods that contain enough calories, a maximum of one hour before exercise. And fill your fluid intake with water before, during, and after exercise.
  • Do if the body rests on a flat surface to prevent injury.
  • When switching from a sitting to standing position, make slow movements to prevent headaches.
  • Avoid high-risk exercises that get you injured such as basketball, skydiving, water skiing, horse riding, yoga bikram, and diving.
  • Don't forget to warm up before pregnancy exercise. And do not do excessive exercise that can cause fatigue and endanger the fetus.
Pregnancy is not associated with the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight or even preterm labor. But, it is important for you to discuss the types of pregnancy exercise you can do with your obstetrician. Stop sports immediately and contact a doctor if you experience bleeding from the vagina, feel dizzy and faint, shortness of breath before exercise, chest pain, headache, aching or swollen calves, severe contractions of the uterus, and amniotic fluid seeping or leaking from the vagina.


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